Thread Safe Memoize in C# (.Net 4)

I've seen a lot of attempts at Memoize (and WeakMemoize) out there for C# and most do not work. Several only match on function signature, resulting in returning incorrect results when using two functions with the same signature: e.g f(int):int and g(int):int will share memoized results. Also most are not thread safe.

This is my attempt to create fully functional Memoize (and WeakMemoize) functions for C#. The Weak version allows for the results to be collected during GC runs and recomputes the results when that occurs. I've done it more as a thought exercise than something practical, since in reality it should likely never be used unless you really know what you're doing.

Be very careful about using these since in general Memoize should only be used when the cost to compute a result is significantly higher than the cost to store all results computed during the runtime of the program.

This is a work in progress:

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
public class WeakReference<T>: WeakReference where T : class
  public WeakReference(T target): base(target){ }
  public WeakReference(T target, bool trackResurrection): base(target, trackResurrection){ }
  protected WeakReference(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context): base(info, context){ }
  public new T Target
    get { return (T)base.Target; }
    set { base.Target = value; }
public static class Extension
  public static Func<TA, TR> Memoize<TA, TR>(this Func<TA, TR> f)
    return a => MemoizeStorage<Func<TA, TR>, TA, Lazy<TR>>.MapFor(f).GetOrAdd(
      a, arg => new Lazy<TR>(() => f(a), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication)).Value;
  public static Func<TA, Func<TB, TR>> Memoize<TA, TB, TR>(this Func<TA, TB, TR> f)
    return Memoize<TA, Func<TB, TR>>(a => Memoize<TB, TR>(b => f(a, b)));
  public static Func<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, TR>>>
    Memoize<TA, TB, TC, TR>(this Func<TA, TB, TC, TR> f)
    return Memoize<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, TR>>>(
      a => Memoize<TB, TC, TR>((b, c) => f(a, b, c)));
  public static Func<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, Func<TD, TR>>>>
    Memoize<TA, TB, TC, TD, TR>(this Func<TA, TB, TC, TD, TR> f)
    return Memoize<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, Func<TD, TR>>>>(
      a => Memoize<TB, TC, TD, TR>((b, c, d) => f(a, b, c, d)));
  static class MemoizeStorage<TF, TA, TR>
    static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<TF, ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>> Map =
      new ConcurrentDictionary<TF, ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>>();
    static public ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR> MapFor(TF f)
    {        return Map.GetOrAdd(f, arg => new ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>());
  public static Func<TA, TR> WeakMemoize<TA, TR>(this Func<TA, TR> f)
    ConcurrentDictionary<TA, WeakReference<Lazy<TR>>> map;      WeakMemoizeStorage<Func<TA, TR>, TA, WeakReference<Lazy<TR>>>.MapFor(f, out map); 
    return a => {
      var weakLazy = map.GetOrAdd(a, 
        arg => new WeakReference<Lazy<TR>>(new Lazy<TR>(() => f(a), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication))); 
      var lazy = weakLazy.Target; 
      if (lazy != null) 
        return lazy.Value;
      map.TryRemove(a, out weakLazy); // the GetOrAdd below will always fail if we don't remove a first 
      // force creation since weakref is gone 
      lazy = new Lazy<TR>(() => f(a), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication); 
      weakLazy = map.GetOrAdd(a, arg => new WeakReference<Lazy<TR>>(lazy));
      var actualLazy = weakLazy.Target;
      // actualLazy can be different than lazy (since another thread may have won the GetOrAdd race)
      // prefer actualLazy since it is in the map; but check it for null first since it may have
      // been collected since the map reference is weak.
      return actualLazy != null ? actualLazy.Value : lazy.Value;
  public static Func<TA, Func<TB, TR>> WeakMemoize<TA, TB, TR>(this Func<TA, TB, TR> f)
    return WeakMemoize<TA, Func<TB, TR>>(a => WeakMemoize<TB, TR>(b => f(a, b)));
  public static Func<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, TR>>> WeakMemoize<TA, TB, TC, TR>(this Func<TA, TB, TC, TR> f)
    return WeakMemoize<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, TR>>>(a => WeakMemoize<TB, TC, TR>((b, c) => f(a, b, c)));
  public static Func<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, TR>>> WeakMemoize<TA, TB, TC, TR>(this Func<TA, TB, TC, TR> f)
    return WeakMemoize<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, TR>>>(a => WeakMemoize<TB, TC, TR>((b, c) => f(a, b, c)));
  public static Func<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, Func<TD, TR>>>> WeakMemoize<TA, TB, TC, TD, TR>(this Func<TA, TB, TC, TD, TR> f)
    return WeakMemoize<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, Func<TD, TR>>>>(a => WeakMemoize<TB, TC, TD, TR>((b, c, d) => f(a, b, c, d)));
  public static Func<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, Func<TD, TR>>>> WeakMemoize<TA, TB, TC, TD, TR>(this Func<TA, TB, TC, TD, TR> f)
    return WeakMemoize<TA, Func<TB, Func<TC, Func<TD, TR>>>>(a => WeakMemoize<TB, TC, TD, TR>((b, c, d) => f(a, b, c, d)));
  static class WeakMemoizeStorage<TF, TA, TR>
    static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<TF, WeakReference<ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>>> Map = 
  static class WeakMemoizeStorage<TF, TA, TR>
    static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<TF, WeakReference<ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>>> Map =    new ConcurrentDictionary<TF, WeakReference<ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>>>(); 
    static public void MapFor(TF f, out ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR> map) 
      var weakMap = Map.GetOrAdd(f, arg => new WeakReference<ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>>(new ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>())); 
      map = weakMap.Target;
      if (map != null)
      Map.TryRemove(f, out weakMap); // have to remove f for the GetOrAdd below to work
      var newMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>();
      weakMap = Map.GetOrAdd(f, arg => new WeakReference<ConcurrentDictionary<TA, TR>>(newMap));
      var actualMap = weakMap.Target;
      // prefer actualMap, since it's in the Map
      map = actualMap ?? newMap;
namespace MemoizeTest {
  static class Program {
    static readonly Func<int, int> I = I_; 
    static int I_(int a) { return a; }
    static readonly Func<int, int> G = G_; 
    static int G_(int a) { return -a; }
    static void Main(string[] args) { 
      var ma = I.Memoize()(1);
      var mb = G.Memoize()(1);
      Console.WriteLine(ma + " " + mb);